
近日,與同事談起一些翻譯上的問題,希望與大家分享。廣東話的「執頭執尾」普通話應怎說?這詞組比「雞毛蒜皮」高一個層次,英文亦有一個叫 Auxiliary service的字,但意思又似乎不太相同。其次,「跑腿」英文該說成什麼呢?又不是delivery person,也不是auxiliary personnel,想了很久也找不到合適的翻譯。

有些富有地方色彩的方言更很難譯成英文。如 「埋黎睇,埋黎揀」/「睇啱埋鏡拼拼」/「益街坊好過擺貨倉」/「要錢唔要貨」能否譯作(come and see for yourself/ take a look and have a try/ bargaining sale/ cut throat sale)?我就覺得英文很少用上這類表達方式,頂多一句 “Can I help you”已經足夠。但每次走進店舖,店員「例牌」一句「有咩幫到你」就顯得突兀。在中國人的社會,我們很少主動要求別人幫忙,除非到了緊急關頭,否則「有 咩幫到你」通常換來的都是無言或「你無咩幫到我」等。最有趣的,看見一間食店叫 “Curry in a Hurry”,不知漢語應叫什麼。



Anonymous said…
執頭執尾 可否譯作 "grunt work" ?
Nelson said…
If you grunt, you make a low sound, especially because you are annoyed or not interested in something - Collins Cobuild

Anonymous said…
跑腿 是否"to run an errand" 呢?那名词用"errand runner"可以么?

執頭執尾 普通话?处理琐事?一定要用成语么?我倒觉得simple is beautiful,简单就是美。

Curry in a Hurry?是一家咖喱外卖店么?呵呵~
Anonymous said…
Hm... since you have taken the effort to check up the phrase, I did a little web-search on "grunt work", too. While this slang captures the simple routine / unintersting natures of 執頭執尾, it fails to highlight the triviality of such tasks. Hm... still not entirel faithful to 執頭執尾 though.

Another word coming into mind is "chores".
Nelson said…

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